
Showing posts from January, 2020

My Visit to Auschwitz / Birkenau

"Work Will Set You Free" - such a lie... :( December 16, 2020: We stepped out of the new and into the old…Foggy mist hung in the air, providing an appropriate melancholy aura to the site.  As we approached the infamous gate with its infamous phrase, I swallowed a growing lump in my throat.   So much death and horror had happened here… Yet, if you ignored the double barbed wire fence around the complex and had no clue about where you stood, it almost passed as an old academic site.  The brick building laid out symmetrically, each one connected by a narrow gravel and sand path.  Yes, without knowing the past, you could easily never know what had happened within the walls of the buildings. Which is why the site remains as a reminder.  Because that’s how easy it is to forget… Auschwitz was smaller than I’d expected, and much better to look at.  All the buildings were brick, well-kept and in order. ...