Verzetsmuseum - Dutch Resistance Museum
Four years ago, my cousin and I visited Amsterdam, in November 2009. The weather was typical for The Netherlands at that time of the year – mostly rainy, around 10-15 degrees – so we were forced to visit a number of indoor tourist attractions. This trip marked my first overseas vacation and sparked my keen interest and desire to travel the world and see it all. My travel research had been limited beforehand, leaving much of our destination ideas up to Lee. We knew the Anne Frank House Museum was in Amsterdam, and we planned an overnight trip to Paris to see the Louvre and Notre Dam. Stephanie had agreed to tour us around her country, as well, so when we arrived in Amsterdam, we had a little planned. One rainy afternoon we took the long walk to Versetzmuseum (The Dutch Resistance Museum), which Lee had wanted to see during our stay. This museum has stuck with me as one of the most moving, poignant displays of World War...